Our porches are places of comfort and confidence. This is our online porch where we tell stories, brag & complain, swap recipes, show off our latest projects, ask for advice, give unsolicited advice.... and yes of course... gossip.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
diet is only a symptom
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
That is a bad 4 letter word
It's too late baby, now it's too late
Jo- thank you so much for your response. I'm off tomorrow (today) and I seem to have a whole new outlook. Hard work really can make a difference and now maybe I need to turn some of that effort towards myself. I feel a spring cleaning coming on for myself and my environment. The suggestions that you gave seem like very real things that I can implement as part of a lifestyle change. Also, my new position will not require as much hard physical labor and lifting, so I already have high hopes for feeling better in my body. Maybe I'll even be able to walk at the end of the day.
I'm happy about the new job and I love to learn and grow, but I am also intimidated by the shear lack of experience that I have in the area that I'll be working in. I believe that I will be in charge of all of the specialty departments and I've never even worked in one! Somebody out there must have an awful lot of faith in me. Doors, windows, flooring, kitchens and appliances...Eee gads!
Monday, January 28, 2008
heal the gut
i'm sorry to hear about your woes.. I too have gained weight, and I did go up a size and have bought new clothes.. So, I need to change some habits myself..
so, we can work on this one together..
as for the bloating issues.
I swear by probiotics.
I take acidophilus every day... I totally recommend the ones that are called pearls, cuz they are protected and get into the intestines to do their job. They are a little more expensive, but are worth it. I also like flax seed oil in capsule format to keep things going where they should.
So, if I were you, get a good multi-vitamin if you aren't already taking one.. then supplement w/either the flax seed oil or a good fish oil... and a daily acidophilus pearl, that should get your gut feeling a little better.
As for actually losing weight, i'm totally struggling w/that myself and am beside myself.
Oh, the other thing I have done to settle my belly is to use digestive enzymes and I think they work really well also!!! I heard that you should only use the enzymes for a short duration and is not something that should become a daily routine... So, I'll take them w/every meal for about two days until I'm feeling better.
Four letter word
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Was talking to Dad about cooking chili the other day.... He said.. You need to make some Paprikash. This is a chicken stew that my grandparents always had brewing and it is probably the only family recipe that I have from my Dad's side of the family. My grandparents were both immigrants from Serbia, now Yugoslavia. I've seen this called a Hungarian dish, but I'll always call it Serbian.
So, when Candy mentioned that she was going to make chicken soup, I said, you should make Paprikash.... Now, the only thing I really can remember about how to make it is to put a whole chicken in a pot w/ tons of Paprika, onions, carrots, potatoes and broth then cook till the chicken falls off the bones. So, I thought I'd take a stab at googling this recipe and came across several versions. Some called for sour cream, and butter, which sounds good... Some called for noodles, one even said to make Spaetzle. I think the key ingredient is the "ton" of paprika, like two heaping tablespoons to make this just like papa did.
You Can Make This
I came across this site today:
Looks interesting.... It has sewing projects. Just thought I'd share...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
i saw this on martha
Pasta With Three Kinds Of Garlic
This delicious recipe for pasta with three kinds of garlic was adapted from the March 1997 issue of Martha Stewart Living.
Serves 4.
1 head plus 8 cloves garlic
Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
1 pound farro spaghetti
2 tablespoons olive oil
3/4 cup dry white wine
1 cup loosely packed chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
Parmesan, for grating
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Wrap garlic head in parchment paper-lined foil; roast until soft and golden, about 1 hour. Let cool, trim tip of head; squeeze out cloves, using back of knife. Transfer to small bowl; set aside.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add salt and pasta; cook according to package directions until al dente; drain.
Thinly slice 5 cloves of unroasted garlic; finely chop remaining 3 cloves. Heat oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add sliced garlic; toast until golden and crisp. Using a slotted spoon, remove garlic; set aside. Add chopped garlic; saute until translucent, about 1 1/2 minutes. Add roasted garlic and white wine; let simmer about 3 minutes. Add pasta, parsley, and red pepper; season with salt and pepper. Toss to combine. Garnish with toasted garlic slivers; serve. Grate cheese over each serving, as desired.
chicago style pizza
Friday, January 25, 2008
I got sunshine...on a cloudy day
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cavit Pinot Grigio
We went to Amante's restaurant for dinner tonight w/Lance and Jenny and their boys...
I don't think the family that owns the place is italian, but the food was like that. Charlie got Tortellini Alfredo and Jenny and I split a Feta Fettish pizza. It is a white pizza w/mozzerella cheese, feta, green peppers and banana peppers. It was good, not really good, but good. I ordered a glass of the Cavit Pinot Grigio... now that was GOOD... so I just thought I'd share. If you like a pinot this is good pick. It was light and crisp, not too fruity, not too sweet and not too dry. No biting after taste like that crazy shit Charlie brought home from Rome. It was awful! He actually dumped his glass out and I cut the remainder w/ Sprite. I sure as hell was not going to let it go to waste... Oh, the best part is... this is an affordable bottle, about $10. I always try to pay NO more than $10 for a bottle of wine. Definitely a sit around and get drunk wine.
brandi's crochet
Birthday Wishes
Thank you all for all the awesome birthday wishes. I really appreciated all of them... I got blog wishes, I got message board hits from family on geni.com, I got e-cards, emails, and yes the old fashioned "verbal face to face." I feel so blessed and loved and I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone!!
Oh... Charlie and Brett surprised me with a little chocolate cake w/candles when I walked in the door after class last night. It was awesome!!! I wanted to take a picture of it cuz it was so cute, but did not get a chance :(
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The new years hog
I hadn't thought to tell about the new years hog on the blog site until Candy said I should put something up. As you can see it is a 12 foot trailer and a gigantic hog. It is what you would call a downed sow, she had piglets and didn't get back up so the men went to the farm where she was and killed her, which took awhile. Then brought it home and that is what I had in the yard. I know you are asking yourself how do you get something that huge to a place where you can butcher it, well let me tell you, in pieces. I now have half a deep freeze full of pork, next hog that we get though I think that we will cure the hams because we found out it just tastes like tenderloin. We did however do sausage and bacon. The bacon is salt cured and you have to make damn sure you rinse it before you cook it unless you really like salt! We found that one out the hard way too, though it was kind of funny to watch Clayton eat a piece of it. So if anyone ever has any questions about how to clean a hog, don't hesitate to ask!
Happy B-Day Jo
We're havin' a party...nah nah nah nah nah nah
Ok, so it's hard to sing in blog, but happy birthday anyway!
Left Right Center
I found a few sites:
Also found some for sale at coolstuffinc.com
isn't that where my disco ball came from??
I'm going to try to get an LCR tourney this Saturday, buy in is $1.50 in nickels.
knoxbuster reviews
we are still trying to find a place to get the left/right/center game. any suggestions.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Check your email...
Distilled Politics
Kathy, I LOVE the Election Guide site that you recommended. I can't keep up w/ media, debates, caucuses, debacles, etc... This site really breaks it down for you.
Thanks for sharing! I wonder if Hillary has a position on kegels.....
Read this summer '07: Eat Pray Love
Again, saw this on Oprah... then saw it at Wal-Mart and thought... what the heck.
It was a nice read, nothing revolutionary about the concept. Basically is a suggestion on how to live.... I felt that those who reveled in it's Glory had clearly not been reading much on spirituality at all. Hence their "breakthrough" moments from this one.
It was a nice read though, some good parts, some painfully long and boring parts as well. Let me know if anyone wants this one!
After reading Deepak Chopra's "The Book of Secrets" .... It is clear, Liz has got nothin' on Deepak! Ok.. I did not learn about Deepak on Oprah, I listen to Lime Radio w/a Twist on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 114. I said that just like the announcer peeps!! Lots of neato stuff on that channel.
Before that I think I read some garbage on real estate... not worth a dime. Nice heavy paper, hmm.... is a craft being born???
Currently Reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Of course I read practically nothing but Oprah book club selections... Why do you ask. Well, cuz I'm too lazy to follow any other media or book recommendations. Too lazy to read reviews... too lazy to well, think for myself I guess. So, if it has the seal of approval from Oprah, then I usually do enjoy it. My eyes are burnt out by the end of the day... Google reader is starting to get the best of me. My current addiction to Ravelry.com is beginning to take the lead though.
So, it is an epic novel, spans three generations of family. So far so good, I'm about 3/4's the way through. I only read at bedtime, so it takes me awhile to get through any book. I'll be happy to pass this one along when I'm done.
Too many Kegels?
crocheted quilt
We are trying to prepare for Deployment again, Billy leaves on the 3rd of Feb. for 6 mo. and I think that somehow in my drunken stooper this weekend I might have volunteered myself to be the ombudsman!! (like deployments aren't hectic enough without adding a bunch of depressed wives to it). I'm gonna have to quit drinking around other people and just hide in the closet while I'm on the phone bar.
I have recently started a new project, it's a crocheted quilt. I thought it was the coolest thing!!! It's just a bunch of 2-1/2" granny squares sewn together to make a quilt block. If you google in crocheted quilt pattern it will come up with a bunch of them.
what about an online bookclub blog
Monday, January 21, 2008
Election year
Hope this is helpful!
Lost in Space
I've fallen into that trap where we get so involved in something going on that we can't see outside of ourselves. For me that has been work, and if I'm honest with myself its been that way for awhile. I really don't think I'm a very interesting person anymore. I need new influences or interests. I've tried making new friends, but that hasn't helped much. Maybe its just the winter blahs.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
What's Hookin'?
Friday, January 18, 2008
ode to crissy and billy
thank you to my kids
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Do Your Kegels!!
Doctors highly recommend kegel exercises for post-childbirth recovery, to help reduce incontinence, and to enhance sexual pleasure. The Contour Kegel Exerciser is uniquely weighted for maximum benefits and ergonomic fit. Imported.
This specially shaped Kegelcisor is made from lightly textured stainless steel and helps strengthen your pelvic muscles. When inserted, the cool (70? F) temperature automatically causes your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle to contract correctly.
Camp Hatteras
We reserved a camp site at Camp Hatteras, witch is on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, for this summer from July 5 through the 12th. I'm so excited!!!!
The Berggrens, Parks, Burkhardts and the Linns are all going! I'm so excited!!! ... I already said that. But I am!!
Newboy Cap
Well... just to keep myself busy I thought I'd make a hat...
It kept me busy...
I found this newsboy cap pattern online. Mine did not quite come out like the pic online. I did not do the brim facing, cuz.. to be honest, who the hell is going to wear this God awful thing anyway, so why continue the self torture. * I'm also still working through the garbage bag full of worsted weight yarn that I got at that yard sale last year for $9. Yes, I said garbage bag full, and not the wimpy "tall kitchen" bag. I mean, lawn leaf bag. Ok, that is an exaggeration... it is somewhere between kitchen and lawn. It was like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, the yard sale rainbow.
*Ok, I secretly love this hat, but won't display affection in any public locale to spare Charlie and Brett embarrassment and ridicule.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
FO: Unhooded Baby Blanket
I finished the baby blanket for Bethany. I opted to NOT add the hood. I thought that it was more practical to have just a blanket w/out the hood. I still have several ounces of yarn left, so I'm trying to think of what else I can make with it... hmm....
I think the shells came out very nicely. I did a double crochet all around it to give it a finished edge. I hope that she likes it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
time to order seeds
Old CD Case used for Calendar
I saw this and thought.. how neat! What a great way to get your 2008 calendar and use an old CD case!!!
check out the Canon site for printing ideas including this one.
Artist:Aya Yamanaka
Four Things You May or May Not Know About Me: Jo
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Currently I do asset management.
2. I worked in a warehouse doing shipping... fun fun.
3. US Navy
4. Dishwasher
B) Four movies I could watch over
and over:
1. Walk the Line
2. Bull Durham
3. Pure Country
4. Stand By Me
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Cambridge Springs PA
2. Sugar Grove, WVA
3. Misawa Japan
4. Taylorsville, MD
D) Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Oprah (not now w/all the reruns)
2. Survivor
3. American Idol
4. All the craft shows on HGTV and DIY
E) Four places I have been:
1. Pensacola Florida
2. Nassau Bahamas
3 Fort Lauderdale, Florida
4. Tokyo
F) People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Tami
2. Jenny
3. Ginger
4. Candy
G) Four Foods I Love
1. Dip (Crab, buffalo, artichoke, any dip)
2. Anything Italian
3. CHEESE!!!
4. French Onion Soup
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. I'm at home, so I'm good. (but that is only because Brett and I have dentist appointments, UGH!)
2. Cambridge Springs PA
3. Any tropical beach
4. walking the creek beds
I) Things I am looking forward to next year:
1. Maybe getting two calves... maybe...
2. Brett's baseball season this spring, (which translates to parental social life, ha ha)
3. Completing 3 of the remaining 4 classes in my Masters Program!!!!
4. I'm taking a 9 week class at Delaplaine art center "Escape to Clay", so I'm going to learn pottery!!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Crochet DROPS scarf

I needed a break from the baby blanket, which is coming along very nicely.
I saw this DROPS pattern on Vickie Howell's blog. I thought is was really cute and thought I'd give it a shot. The pattern says to use a double stand, I'm not doing that... I'm just using a red boucle that I think is red heart... not sure. I can't afford the alpaca that the pattern calls for... So, far I think mine looks pretty good!!! The pattern is kind of weird at first, but then picks up fast. Oh.. and I've never crocheted from a diagram before, we talked about that over Christmas. So, I was a little intimidated at first, but once I learned the symbols, I think I actually like it better! I'll take pics when I'm further along.